Q: What should I expect when I purchase a font?
Once you go through the payment process via PayPal, you will be directed to a download link. The link will contain a .ZIP file with a .TTF file for you to install in your computer.

Q: How do I use these fonts?
The Greek lettering set can be viewed when entering text with CAPS on. The regular alphabet is CAPS off or lowercase.

Q: How do I install a font into Windows?
A: On a Windows, click on START, CONTROL PANEL, then when the control panel opens, open the FONTS icon. You can drag and drop a .ttf file into the fonts folder, copy and paste it from another folder or click on FILE and install font by locating where you saved it.

Q: Can I use a Mac to install these fonts?
A: .TTF fonts DO work on Mac OS X. Simply open Font Book in your Applications directory and drag the new fonts to it and they will install automatically. You can then delete the fonts you downloaded, as they have been copied into the Font Book. Watch the video here.

Q: Can I use these for commercial use?
A: Yes. You may use these fonts for reproducing final printed and embellished products only. These fonts may NOT be duplicated on any other computers nor resold or included in any other product for resale. See our Terms and Conditions page for more details

Q: What about non capital Greek letters?
A: Unfortunately we only have upper case or capital letters at this time.
The fonts were designed for the Greek Collegiate system in mind. Sororities and Fraternities which only use the upper case set.

Q: Are these fonts currently available in embroidery format?
A: No. GreekHouse of Fonts are True Type fonts only. They are made for basic computers and layout programs like Adobe Illustrator, Freehand, InDesign and Corel Draw. They DO NOT come in .dst, .emb. .pes or any other format besides .ttf.

Q: I get the message that they don’t appear to be valid fonts. How can I install them? Are they TTF?
A: When you download the fonts they come in a zip file. You’ll need to unzip the fonts first. Windows 7 has a native unzipping function so you can usually just open the file and extract the fonts to your desktop or your downloads area. You’ll need to do this first because you can’t extract the files directly to your fonts folder.

Once you extract the fonts to your desktop or downloads folder, you can install them two ways. Right mouse click on the font(s) and select “Install”, the box will ask you if you want to install the fonts, click yes. The other method is for you to open up the fonts folder under c:\windows\fonts and drag the fonts from your desktop into the fonts folder. Just make sure they are the .ttf files and not the zip files.

Here’s a walk through downloading fonts and installing them to your fonts folder using Windows Internet Explorer:

Step 1: Once you checkout and pay through PayPal you will receive an automated email with a download link. Click on the link and it will take you to a page where you can download all of your purchases.

How To Install Fonts Using Internet Explorer - Step 1

Step 2: Click on the download link(s) and you’ll be prompted to open the files or download them. For this example I chose to download them.

How To Install Fonts Using Internet Explorer - Step 2

Step 3: A window in your browser will appear to ask if you want to Open or Open Folder. For this example click on “Open Folder”. Note where your folder is for future reference in case you need reinstall these fonts again.

How To Install Fonts Using Internet Explorer - Step 3

Step 4: Once you’re in your downloads folder, locate the .zip file you downloaded. Double click on the zip folder or right mouse click on it and select Open. For this example, WinRar is being used however Windows should have a native unzipping application that should look almost like a normal folder with contents.

How To Install Fonts Using Internet Explorer - Step 4

Step 5: Once you have the Zip file open, you will need to extract them to a regular folder or your desktop where you can access in Step 6. Select all the files you want to extract, mainly the font file(s) and extract or save them to a standard (non zip) folder.

How To Install Fonts Using Internet Explorer - Step 5

Step 6: You’re almost there! Now go to the folder or desktop that you extracted the files to and right mouse click on them. Click Install and they will be installed to your fonts folder. If you don’t see Install, then go to C:\Windows\Fonts and open the folder. There you can drag and drop them from the unzipped folder to the fonts folder to install them.

How To Install Fonts Using Internet Explorer - Step 6

Once you’ve installed your fonts, make sure to restart your graphics program to be sure they are loaded into your program.

That’s it! It’s not as difficult as it sounds, just make sure you’re installing the .ttf files from an non-zip folder otherwise they won’t install properly.

> Feel free to contact me if you have questions or inquiries.