This Greek Olde English font has been one of the most difficult fonts I created to date. It took nearly a year and half to finally complete once I rolled out the first version. Although it wasn’t really a year and half of labor, it did take around 25+ hours to complete. To put it in perspective, it usually takes 6 hours to finish a regular font set.
Having said that, the Greek Olde English font has been requested a few times so I thought I’d take on the project. I have to say it’s kinda odd because these fonts are inherently Greek style and not Old English but what’s a guy to do. Greek Olde English is the final name. This font set also has a sister companion set: ‘Wicked Olde English’ which is the first version of fonts that contain all English and include lower case letters.
This Greek font style has 92 characters, 24 of them are the Greek alphabet, and the rest of the set contains the regular 26 character Latin alphabet as well as numeral set and all the regular key symbols located on a keyboard.
Related fonts: Wicked Olde English, Greek and Wicked Olde English Set
The uppercase or CAPS-on will enable the Greek alphabet, the lowercase or CAPS-off will enable the regular Latin alphabet.